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Mission Mission

The need to modernize and reform public administrations and of all subjects operating in the public interest is increasingly strong, as a result of stimuli deriving from changes in individual and collective values, the opening of society and markets, and greater mobility of people and goods, of technological innovation and of the organizational forms in which social and economic activity takes place, of the media, etc.

AZIENDA PUBBLICA aims to contribute to responding to these needs by focusing attention on the best use of economic resources (efficiency dimension), to give answers of a high qualitative and quantitative level to the needs of individual citizens, families, businesses and other bodies intermediates of society (dimension of effectiveness and functionality), of satisfaction, maintaining conditions of long-term economic equilibrium (dimension of economy). The Journal intends to do this starting from the deep conviction that only people are able to promote and implement substantial changes. Legal, economic, business and managerial methods, tools and techniques exist, they are also very refined. But it is the values, knowledge, motivations and real behaviors of people that allow their correct use with the aim of improving the well-being and quality of life of local, national and supranational communities.

It is necessary to increase the number of people for whom to exercise a function and guarantee the rights means acquiring the culture of "service", understood in terms of values ​​and in terms of operations and making them a majority over those who still refer to administration models valid in the past but no longer consistent with the problems posed by society today or with respect to those that defend privileges or particular interests. An effective way to achieve this goal is to present to politically charged administrators, executives, staff working in various positions in the public sector, the results of rigorous scientific research, relevant to the daily problems of readers, influencing in an improved sense on decision-making and operational processes.

In the belief that there is nothing more practical than a good theory, provided that the theories are built on facts, Azienda Pubblica is characterized as a Journal that welcomes both articles of theoretical content that help operators to systematize and consolidate their experiences and concrete skills, and the results of empirical research based on rigorous quantitative and qualitative methodologies. An academic journal capable of opening up and dialoguing with policy makers, managers and operators in the public and private sectors who have purposes of public interest. Through a rigorous system of refereeing according to international standards, the Journal intends to publish contributions of high scientific value that are understandable by those who every day must make the institutions that guarantee a free society, in which the rules are respected, tolerant towards multiculturalism and the multiplicity of values ​​and interests, substantially democratic.

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